
Swimsuit  Geometry and Chroma  | Necklaces Your lovely Breeze and Created4youdesigns | Sunglasses Chain and Hat AliExpress

Hello people.... how is everything?
I am back here, because I want to share with you what is happening lately with me.

Since last year I have been changing lots of things in my life... One of the biggest one was to stop to eat meat and fish... it's been one year and I am so glad that I did it... I feel totally ok.

Everytime I see videos and articles talking about misstreating animals it makes me angry and sad... Unfornetly not all of us does something to change that.... still lot of people that loves to enjoy the rides on the horses, on the camels, or the shows that includes wild animals... many of them do everything just for the perfect shot.

Another thing that I change was the way that I shop and aswell the quantity that I shop....I prefer 100 times to by on local shops... from Cyprus or Portugal... instead of going to Zara, H&M, Bershka...
Support your local shops instead of the big fast fashion brands...I go a few times to local charity shops too... It's one of my favourite thing to do... you always find unique pieces that noone else will have it ... the clothes are super affordable and plus you help a chairity.

I have been changing my cosmetic products and make up, for natural products and animal cruelty free products... you can find already a big variety in Cyprus.. and in last case, online there is always lots of options.

Reducing the plastic has another huge thing that I change... I bought metal straws, I recycle all the plastic and paper that we used at home... In Limassol its quiet easy because once per week they collect the rubbish that you want to recycle and I dont take any plastic bags when I go to any kind of shop... yes in Cyprus is quiet a challenge... everybody wants to give you plastic bags...
Another day we had a barbeque and  brought my reusable cup... small things make the difference.

I believe that I can still do much more to help our planet...this is just the beggining.
I hope that I can inspire anothe people to do the same.

Now about this photos
This swimsuit is designed buy a shop in Nicosia callled Geometry and Chroma and I got for half of the price... yes I love bargains but I didnt go to SALES this year... because I only buy what I really need or something that I don't  have it yet on my wardrobe.

While I was oprganising my swimwear drawer, I realised that I had a lot of them from the previous year, so I said to myself that I would buy only one piece and yes this was the one..I hope that I did a good choice..

TIP: I used that hairband to secure the hat... because it is quiet big and it really worked.
All my necklaces are waterproof ... bought in Portugal.



  1. Love the swimming suit!!!
    Espero que tenhas um dia mágico! Koti by Sara & Martin

  2. Adorei o fato de banho :)
    As fotos estão lindas!



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